Friday, September 17, 2010

The Kapahaka Group by Kingi

On Thursday the 16th of September the Kapahaka group performed on the stage and the whole school was watching us. All of us who were performing were going hard out. I was going very hard doing the actions. The boys and I were very loud we were like a giants screaming - we were very very loud. I was going hard as I can scream like a giant when I was performing my Kapahaka group dance. It was funny because its like putting our hands up like for the police. We were not smiling like other Kapahaka groups but still we still tried to perform on stage.


  1. Wow,
    That is a large
    spectacular amount of
    work you got mr unknown.
    You must have worked very
    hard.Your work was great,but
    next time add a photo and a name.
    Still love it though.
    Keep it up Mr.X

  2. Hey arianna you did wall keep it up

  3. hey this isn't my work. plus i do know how to spell kapahaka

  4. Hey kingi
    You picked a good photo and I like your title.

  5. Hi Kingi

    Nice work and your blurb was outstanding.Have a good holiday.

  6. Hi Kingi

    That is the best of the Kapahaka group and you are getting lost of hits any way Katopu four once your not MrX!!!!

