Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Iron Brion Burger Show - by Peata.

Hi, my name is Peata. On Monday the 30th of August Rm's 8 7 6 5 went to the hall to meet Iron Brion. When we got to the hall, the classes could smell the yummy tasty burgers. Iron Brion said ''Can we have some people to come up and do some dance and they will have some prize". So both boys and girls had to do a dance competition. Little Mac won a hat and Khorus won a hat too. So it was nearly finished but they had to do the dance to get the burger first. And the left side won. So they went to go and get their burgers first.
Thank you Iron Brion!
By Peata.


  1. Hi Peata

    Nice blurb and that I can tell you worked really hard on your blurb.


  2. Hey Peata

    Awesome blurb and nice title. You must of worked really hard. You are doing a fanatstic job....

  3. Hi Peata
    Your blurb (excuse me for my spelling) was excusive it had potential and had alot of descriptive sentences!

  4. Hi Peata,
    You have got a terrific photo blurb here!
    Did you write this by yourself because it is really interesting to read!
    May I ask, is Kelini the one in the photo?
    Well done,
    good job,
    From Imarny
