This is our Hundertwasser artwork. We had to use a mix of hot and cold colours. Check out our amazing artworks by room 6 students.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Tyler Xtramath
This is my xtra maths Results that I did today and I did better last
week on xtra maths I think that i can do better. I need to learn my time
table so I can work faster.
Waitama The Scrapbook
The Scrapbook
Inside this scrapbook
are picture’s that have never been drawn
never been seen
never been thought
They're hiding
They won’t come out in daylight
they can hear us
we can't hear them
They will wake up
deep into the night,
they won’t come out for joy,
for people, or for peace
When the sun is up
they will stay hiding within the page
will they ever come out
will they ever be seen
are they still there,
Would I be it ,
act it, love it.
Maybe there aren’t many
it could be only one picture
and it’s all we need to show
inside this big scrapbook
every Scrapbook in the world
is like this
Tatiana Speech Assesment
Speech Assessment
L.I. - Present a formal speech
Captures your attention 5/5
Voice clarity / Pace 5/5
Volume 5/5
Posture / Eye contact 5/5
Topic is of interest to the audience 5/5
Meaning is clear 4/5
Ideas are presented in a logical order 5/5
Summaries ideas 5/5
Leaves audience with something to think about 5/5
Personality projected in speech:
Enthusiasm 5/5
Total: 49/50
thing I think I did really well was... When i was speaking and
encouraging the class t stop being a bullying and how i had eye contact
and the volume of my speech
An element of persuasive speech that I used was...
One thing to work on for next time is...
Trintiy Persuasive Writing
I think that schools should not have to have uniforms. I think that children should just have to wear their everyday clothing.
are many reasons why children should wear uniforms. But who cares
about that not children they just want to wear want they want.
Also if children have to wear uniforms why don’t the teachers wear school uniforms too. They’re not any more special than us kids. There apart of the school as well aren't they. So i don't think children have to wear uniform because the teachers wouldn’t like to wear the uniform either.
childrens parents do not have the money to buy uniforms for their kids
because it is to dare. but if they could wear the clothes that they want
then parents don't have to buy uniforms or waste money on uniforms too.
i think Kids that wear uniforms and should not go throgh all of that
torcher.That are my reasons for why children should not wear uniform
Rachel The Cupboard
The Cupboard
Inside this mysterious unknown cupboard
never been opened
never been touched
what could be inside this mysterious cupboard
They’re hiding
As things who or you could not find or see
where they are placed
in small tight places not heard
not found not seen
People wonder people watch
thinking what would be in
that cupboard they watch with their
implosive looks just imagining
something inside
All morning through falling darkness
as nothing much really happens
its just a cupboard in the corner
what could go wrong
would I care
would I wonder
Its been a while just staring
at the cupboard in the corner
wondering what would in there
Just wonder if its just bits and pieces inside
every cupboard in the world is like this.
Veisinia Xtramaths
This is my Xtramaths result. It shows that I got all of my basic facts right but I still have to improve on going faster.
Lavinia Scale Drawing
Scale Drawing Assessment:
One thing I found easy was coloring in the final picture at the end.
One thing I found hard was drawing the right part of the picture in the right square.
like how the final design looks like the original because most of the
drawing is in the right place. Also the two colors I used both work
well together.
Next time I would try to rule all lines in a straight line.
Isabella Scale Drawing
Scale Drawing assessment
1 thing I found easy was drawing up the grid and making the lines straight
1 thing I found hard was placing the information in the same boxes
I like how the final design looks like the original design because I made the petals the same size.
Next time I would take my time and make sure the boxes are the same and even.
Samira Library Skills
L.I. - Library/Research skills
Using a glossary
a book also has a glossary at the beginning or the end. This gives
short explanations of specialised or difficult terms used in the book.
The following is an example is from a book about the moon.
Sputnik 1
in astronomy, the reflective property of planets
small rocky object found mainly in a belt or flat ring between the
orbits of Jupiter and Mars; also called a minor planet because it is so
small (the largest are only 200 km across).
large flat plain on the moon caused by lava flows and marked by ridges,
depressions and faults; all 14 maria are on the side of the moon that
faces Earth.
a natural (e.g. moon) or artificial (e.g. spacecraft) object that orbits around a larger astronomical body.
the first artificial satellite, which was launched into space to orbit around the Earth in 1957.
Name an artificial satellite. Sputnik 1
What is another term for a minor planet in orbit between Mars and Jupiter? Asteroid is a another term
What is the term for an object that orbits around another larger planetary body? Sputnik 1 is a object that orbits around the Earth.
What is the term used for a large flat lava flow on the moon? Mare is the term used.
What term is used to describe the characteristic light reflecting from a planet? Satellite.
Viola Xtramaths
Next time I need to make sure that I don't get any mistake for my XtraMaths and make sure that I get a lot of smiles.
Akansha Library Skills Week 8
L.I. - Library/Research Skills
Know that we have access to people as experts about subjects
Match the person to the reason for being interviewed
A member of the local historic society
What major events are celebrated and why are they celebrated in our local area?
A member of the local council
What work do councillors do in the local area?
A manager of the shopping centre
How does a major retail centre, with many shops work?
A representative of the fire department
What are the native flora and fauna in our area?
A park ranger
What methods are used to fight fires?
A researcher on local transport
What public transport is available? Does it meet peoples needs?
A local festival organiser
What programmes are available at the pool for children?
A leading member of the Maori community
What is the Maori history of our area?
A representative from Tamaki College
What opportunities are there at the local secondary school?
A lifeguard at the local pool
What are some past events that have happened in the local area?

Addnan Reading Checklist
Key into Inferencing Checklist
L.I. Reading comprehension strategy - Inference
Look for the keywords in the text
Information comes from the story
Mark /
Non Fiction
Non Fiction
Non Fiction
Non Fiction
This is my Key into Inferencing checklist. Our class has been doing inferencing for the past three weeks. I have finished ten of my inferencing sheets.
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